Beat The Prosecution
Welcome to Beat The Prosecution with Fairfax, Virginia criminal defense / DUI lawyer Jonathan Katz. Jon Katz believes in spreading the word of justice on this podcast, in court, and on his blog at https://katzjustice.com/blog, to regularly provide information and ideas for beating your prosecution. More information is available at https://BeatTheProsection.com and at (703)-383-1100.
57 episodes
Winning while redefining what is victory: Trial Teacher & Asheville criminal defense lawyer Fredilyn Sison
"I lucked out with getting interviewed by a great host." Those are the words of this episode's guest Fredilyn "Fredi" Sison, upon speaking for the first time on a podcast. ...
Season 2
Episode 10

Winning while risking long incarceration, from the heart center- Peace & Plowshares activist Susan Crane
For the first time on Fairfax, northern Virginia criminal / DUI defense lawyer Jonathan Katz's podcast, we have one of his former clients joining us.
Season 2
Episode 9

Winning by bursting with positive energy and focus- Longtime mindfulness / meditation teacher Jonathan Foust
Fairfax, Northern Virginia criminal / DUI defense lawyer Jonathan Katz knows the benefit of mindfulness and meditative practice to beating the prosecution and to living a great life. Jon Katz's main mindful...
Season 2
Episode 8

Winning with deep listening & calmness- Powerhouse lawyer & taijiquan martial arts teacher Len Kennedy
Lawyers were two of Fairfax, Northern Virginia criminal defense lawyer Jonathan Katz's early inspirations on the taijiquan / tai ch'i ch'uan path, those being the late
Season 2
Episode 7

Winning with full client engagement & teamwork: Former immigration judge and law school legal clinic director Paul Grussendorf
Fairfax criminal lawyer Jonathan Katz's first client visit to a jail was with his law professor and immigration legal clinic director Paul Grussendorf. Jon Katz's first two trials were also with Paul, one a ...
Season 2
Episode 6

Greenpeace Cofounder Paul Watson after his release on an extradition warrant- Winning with Courage, Passion & Imagination
In mid-December 2024, Denmark released Captain Paul Watson (co-founder of Greenpeace, and founder of Sea Shepherd Conservation Society) after five mon...
Season 2
Episode 5

NORML founder Keith Stroup & political director Morgan Fox- Winning through perseverance, flexibility and creativity
Marijuana in large part accelerated Fairfax criminal lawyer Jonathan Katz's transition from working at a corporate law firm to becoming a criminal defense lawyer many years ago. Jon Katz one day read about a federal prosecutor's issuance of a s...
Season 2
Episode 4

Winning through resilience, internal strengthening & developed perception: Emergency room physician & Zen priest Wendy Lau, M.D.
Great criminal defense is like delivering clients excellent results while balanced on a pinnacle thousands of feet above the ground below. For that reason, Fairfax criminal / Virginia DUI attorney Jon Katz h...
Season 2
Episode 3

Winning through relentless client focus- Sameera Ali (victorious from an improvident contempt hearing after confirming unavailability for a court appointed hearing), VACDL president Lauren Whitley, lawyer Erin Smith & attorney Jim Magner
Criminal defense lawyers must hang together lest they hang separately. Northern Virginia lawyer Sameera Ali accepted an Alexandria Juvenile & Domestic Relations (JDR) Court request to repr...
Season 2
Episode 2

Using the Bill of Rights to win in court and beyond- Ricci Levy of Woodhull Sexual Freedom Foundation & Florida lawyer Larry Walters
Now that marijuana has become heavily decriminalized in Virginia and beyond, Fairfax criminal and DUI defense lawyer Jonathan Katz sees drug reform and protecting adults' right to choose their consensual s...
Season 2
Episode 1

Relentless defense on the road to victory- Fairfax public defender / Justice Forward Virginia leader Bryan T. Kennedy
"Aspiring full time anti-racist" is how senior Fairfax public defender lawyer Bryan T. Kennedy describes himself on his Twitter page. In this episode of Beat the Prosecution, Bryan joins Fairfax criminal a...
Season 1
Episode 47

First Amendment FIRE Lawyers Harvey Silverglate & Robert Corn-Revere- Winning by staying true to our principles
One of the two founders of the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education -- Harvey Silverglate -- figured the group might no last much past ten years beyond its 1999 founding. Instead, Silverglat...
Season 1
Episode 46

Defending in criminal court by keeping one's eyes on the prize- Plowshares & Catholic Worker activist Mark Colville
Fairfax criminal and DWI lawyer Jonathan Katz heard Abbie Hoffman's lawyer Gerald Lefcourt speak in 1991 about how Abbie had asked Gerry to keep Hoffman out of jail so that he could keep pursuing his agend...
Season 1
Episode 45

Judge David L. Lewis (Ret.)- Winning by throwing one's full self and humor into the fight
When Fairfax criminal defense / DUI lawyer Jonathan Katz attended his first National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers meeting, he was wowed by a talk by New York attorney
Season 1
Episode 44

Harmonizing criminal defendants' imbalanced situations- Venerable Thubten Chodron
Fairfax criminal defense lawyer and DUI attorney Jonathan Katz has been inspired for years by the great and to-the-point online dharma talks and guided meditations by Venerable
Season 1
Episode 43

Criminal defense wizard Lisa Monet Wayne- Winning through powerful trial advocacy
There are heroes, and then there are heroes. Lisa Monet Wayne is one of Fairfax criminal / Virgin...
Season 1
Episode 42

Winning by mindfully empowering ourselves in the face of racism and all other hurdles- Law professor & author Rhonda Magee
Fairfax criminal defense and DUI defense lawyer Jonathan Katz was floored when he met law professor, mindfulness teacher, and teacher on overcoming racial injustice Rhonda Magee, at the 2015 Mindful Leader...
Season 1
Episode 41

Conscious Leader Deb Katz- Winning without negative reactivity
In 2015, Fairfax criminal lawyer Jon Katz finished court earlier than expected, and beelined to the Mindful Leadership conference in Crystal City, Virginia, in part to meet speaker Roshi Joan Halifax. Snag...
Season 1
Episode 40

Defending activists who broadcast their actions- Activists' lawyer Mark Goldstone
Criminal defense usually includes keeping the burden with the prosecution to attempt to prove their case beyond a reasonable doubt. That approach can be turned upside down with activists who broadcast their actions loudly and clearly. Fairfax c...
Season 1
Episode 39

Winning at zero and with personal responsibility- Kamaile Rafaelovich on Self Identity Through Ho'oponopono
Reaching and being in a state of zero is vital for Fairfax, Northern Virginia criminal defense and DUI lawyer Jonathan Katz. Jon Katz has learned and applies this approach of zero through taijiquan, mindfu...
Season 1
Episode 38

Winning through compassion, true sensing & realness- Nikki Mirghafori
After learning about non-attachment after revisiting Wim Wenders's visit in Tokyo-Ga to the gravesite of famous director Yasujirō Ozu (who left his body only eight months after Jon Katz was born), whose headstone was marked solely with the char...
Season 1
Episode 37

Developing peacefulness and compassion for winning in court and life - Jun Yasuda of Nipponzan Myohoji
When Fairfax, Virginia criminal and DUI defense lawyer Jonathan Katz faces particularly challenging times in court, he often imagines that his peace teacher Jun Yasuda is to his right, his trial...
Season 1
Episode 36

Having winning fun while fighting on the side of the angels- Former DC ACLU legal director Art Spitzer
Art Spitzer for four decades served as the legal director of the American Civil Liberties Union of the national capital area. Fairfax, Virginia criminal and DUI defense lawyer Jon Katz has known Art since be...
Season 1
Episode 35

Stephen Bright- Fighting for racial justice and full indigent defense funding in the criminal courts
Lawyer Stephen B. Bright is a hero to Fairfax criminal and DUI defense lawyer Jonathan Katz and to many other people. Steve left the security of his public defender salary at one of the nation's...
Season 1
Episode 34

Winning with a full frontal assault, and more- Criminal defense lawyer Ernie Lewis
Ernie Lewis was one of Fairfax criminal and DUI defense lawyer Jonathan Katz's instructors at the National Criminal Defense College's Trial Practice Institute. Ernie is a past head of the Kentucky public defender system and a co-founder of the ...
Season 1
Episode 33