Beat The Prosecution

Greenpeace Cofounder Paul Watson after his release on an extradition warrant- Winning with Courage, Passion & Imagination

Jon Katz Season 2 Episode 5

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In mid-December 2024, Denmark released Captain Paul Watson (co-founder of Greenpeace, and founder of Sea Shepherd Conservation Society) after five months of captivity in an apartment-like incarceration setting in Greenland, when Denmark ultimately declined to extradite him to Japan for a matter about which Captain Watson asserts his innocence.

Three weeks after Captain Watson's release, Fairfax, Virginia criminal defense and DUI lawyer Jonathan Katz had the privilege to spend an hour with him on our Beat the Prosecution podcast, covering such topics as risking detention and prosecution for what we deeply believe in; the international law limiting whaling and sealing; preparing for and winning at trial (he has never been convicted); and his uncanny ability to be non-angry.

Remarkable is Paul's confirmation that he does not get angry, other than when he expresses it with his pen. Non-anger is very vital to beating the prosecution. Paul has been prosecuted numerous times, but all his trials have resulted in acquittals. Listen to how that resulted.

Paul Watson and Jon Katz both eat vegan (with Paul motivated heavily by ecological reasons, and Jon being primarily motivated by nonviolence), and know members of the American Indian Movement (with Paul having been a medic during the Wounded Knee action, and Jon peripherally meeting AIM members through his peace teacher Jun Yasuda, a close friend and supporter of the late Dennis Banks).

Jon recommends reading Paul's autobiography Hitman for the Kindness Club, and listening to his podcast entitled Captain Paul Watson Foundation. More about Paul and his foundation's work is at Watson is one of the films about him. Donations to his foundation can be made here. 

One of Paul's previous organization's ships was named the Steve Irwin, who supported Paul's approach for animals. Those approaches include ramming whaling ships without causing injury to others, applying dye to seals to make their skins unmarketable, using stink bombs, and releasing animals from captivity. 

Paul magnificently sums up his work with this phrase that also is all about how to beat the prosecution: courage, passion and imagination. 

This podcast with Fairfax, Virginia criminal / DUI lawyer Jon Katz is playable on all devices at For more information, visit or contact us at, 703-383-1100 (calling), or 571-406-7268 (text).

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