Beat The Prosecution
Welcome to Beat The Prosecution with Fairfax, Virginia criminal defense / DUI lawyer Jonathan Katz. Jon Katz believes in spreading the word of justice on this podcast, in court, and on his blog at https://katzjustice.com/blog, to regularly provide information and ideas for beating your prosecution. More information is available at https://BeatTheProsection.com and at (703)-383-1100.
Beat The Prosecution
Criminal defense wizard Lisa Monet Wayne- Winning through powerful trial advocacy
There are heroes, and then there are heroes. Lisa Monet Wayne is one of Fairfax criminal / Virginia DUI lawyer Jonathan Katz's greatest heroes. Lisa was one of Jon Katz's earliest great criminal defense teachers, encouraging attorneys not to shy away from taking even the toughest cases to trial. She was among Jon's teachers at the National Criminal Defense College's Trial Practice Institute.
Lisa is one in a line of great former Colorado Public Defender training directors. She is currently Executive Director of the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers (NACDL). This interview will be a battery recharge for all criminal defense lawyers.
This podcast with Fairfax, Virginia criminal / DUI lawyer Jon Katz is playable on all devices at podcast.BeatTheProsecution.com. For more information, visit https://KatzJustice.com or contact us at info@KatzJustice.com, 703-383-1100 (calling), or 571-406-7268 (text).
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