Beat The Prosecution
Welcome to Beat The Prosecution with Fairfax, Virginia criminal defense / DUI lawyer Jonathan Katz. Jon Katz believes in spreading the word of justice on this podcast, in court, and on his blog at https://katzjustice.com/blog, to regularly provide information and ideas for beating your prosecution. More information is available at https://BeatTheProsection.com and at (703)-383-1100.
Beat The Prosecution
Champion lacrosse coach Robert Streeten- Winning Through Great Strategy and Teamwork, & demanding much from ourselves
What do lacrosse, being self-demanding, and being ever vigilant have to do with beating the prosecution? Join us as championship lacrosse coach Bob Streeten talks with his former summer camper and now-Fairfax, Northern Virginia criminal defense and DUI lawyer Jon Katz about there being no replacement for preparation, hard work, excellent planning and strategy, and being self demanding for winning, whether in court, the playing field or life. Check out Bob's lengthy 2022 sports interview at https://www.mytwintiers.com/sports/legends-of-the-twin-tiers-bob-streeten.
As the foregoing interview's liner notes aptly underline: "No man defines the sport of lacrosse in the region more than Corning’s Bob Streeten."
This podcast with Fairfax, Virginia criminal / DUI lawyer Jon Katz is playable on all devices at podcast.BeatTheProsecution.com. For more information, visit https://KatzJustice.com or contact us at info@KatzJustice.com, 703-383-1100 (calling), or 571-406-7268 (text).
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